The Quotable April 2013 Writing Prompt Micro-fiction (100 words) Contest Winner

It was a long, long time ago…
No that’s not the start of a new story of mine, it is a factual representation of the length of time between the events told in this blog post and today. Way back in April 2013 I won a micro-fiction writing contest on the Quotable, a writing website. The contest was to write 100 words based on a prompt by a famous writer. Unfortunately it looks like the good people a the Quotable are hanging up their quills, and the site no longer functions as it used to. To make sure I don’t lose online reprsentation of this enviable win, I’ve decided to publish the prompt and my winning entry here on my own website.
The prompt was “…it was Greek to me.” — William Shakespeare
And here is my (winning) entry:
“We have unearthed something here” he muttered to his assistant “The symbols on this tablet pre-date Ancient Egyptian, Sumarian even ”
“But isn’t that…”
“Yes” he interrupted; excitement and wonder etched into his face “it’s Greek.”
Who knows, one day I may take this and make it into something a little more substantial; for now, I’m just keeping this as a personal record!